Black Sails Workout

August 30, 2020
When Zach McGowan arrived in Southern Africa to prepare for their role in Ebony Sails—now with its 2nd season on Starz, Saturdays at 9pm ET—the manufacturers had been obvious on how he should look. "They wished a lean, sinewy man whose human anatomy did actually result from working hard, not working completely, " claims McGowan, which plays captain Charles Vane in Starz's 18th-century high-seas crisis.

For McGowan, that removed the gym. "we pack on mass rapidly once I lift, " claims the actor. "and so i made a decision to exercise like i actually do in the home, by doing a great deal of cardiovascular and body-weight techniques."

McGowan begins many times with a 10- to 13-mile run. "I'll stop four times as you go along to bang away 50 pullups, 100 pushups, 30 handstand pushups, and as many inverted situps when I can perform, " he says. "the final two techniques are tough, however they're my secret for a powerful core, the key strength you'll have." (Pushups could be more important than you believe. A for building really serious upper-body power.)

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