Miami Sailing School

February 8, 2016
Miami, sailing school

We provide several ASA courses, including week-long live-aboard courses. Courses are taught by our experienced and professional instructors aboard new, well equipped SailTime vessels with comfortable amenities. You can select sailing courses from fundamental to Advanced and that can be scheduled to meet your busy lifestyle. Pupil registration is held reasonable to optimize private time using the trainer and personal instruction is also offered. Week-long “Cruise N learn” vacation classes function hands-on experience in a live-aboard setting, cruising the Florida Keys or Bahamas. These courses can be found towards the average man or woman as well as SailTime users. Join be a SailTime member very first and you may save with significant discounts off ASA programs.


Courses are not on a regular basis planned, but rather tend to be scheduled based on student access. Give us a call and collectively we could workout class dates that work most effective for you.


Our fleet is situated in one's heart of Miami’s colorful “Coconut Grove” on beautiful Biscayne Bay, portal towards the Florida Keys and Bahamas. Nearby, you’ll find a great amount of great restaurants and upscale accommodation while taking pleasure in near-perfect sailing problems year-round.


The program prices allow me to share for non-SailTime users. Register with be a SailTime user just before taking the programs, and accept $75 off each students university fees. SailTime people enjoy considerable discounts off additional ASA courses and gain hands-on experience, while discovering on your own SailTime yacht! Let me reveal a quick information of training provided; classes tend to be booked in accordance with student need. So only contact us today to schedule your course. New to cruising? Need experience a few hours regarding the water before commitiing to a class? Ask about our 3-hour captained cruises, in which we take-out prospective sailors for a little taste associated with cruising life.

ASA 101 Basic Keelboat

2 day program taught aboard a Hunter 33 $675/student, $1200/couple

Sleep aboard option: $75.00 per evening

Within training course, students will learn:

-Basic cruising terminology

-Knot tying

-Responsibilities of both skipper and team

-Federal Demands

-Safe Fueling processes

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